Entries by Michael Sinnhuber


The Truth About Powerpoint

I’m sorry, but I have to say this 😱 This will probably offend you… But everytime I hear someone say “Powerpoint is so boring”… It really makes me angry. Listen, if you think that having a fancy “prezi” or animated presentation is going to help you… It is complete bullshit! 💩 Powerpoint is not boring […]

Publication ‘Das neue Arbeiten’ [the new work] by WerdeDigital.at

The “WerdeDigital.at” initiative is an Austrian initiative aimed at closing the digital divide. Currently the initiative is working on a publication called “Das neue Arbeiten” [the new work] under the management of Meral Akin-Hecke and David Röthler. In addition to around 70 other authors, we have also contributed an article called ‘Prezi, Slideshare & Co.’ […]

Prezi text formatting – now also bold & italics

Until now text formatting has been very limited in Prezi. Namely to the choice of 3 fonts with 3 corresponding colors, which are specified in the Prezi theme. When editing text, it was only possible to change the colors of the font but not their format. That’s all changed now!

mcprezi is an official Prezi expert – Prezi Independent Expert

Yes, the time has finally come! After an application and certification process lasting several months, we have finally done it. As of today, we are now able to carry the official title of Prezi Independent Expert and the corresponding logo (see above). We therefore now belong to an elite group of around 35 Prezi experts […]

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Prezi templates for brainstorming

Prezi is NOT just presentation software but more a tool for generating ideas. The ‘Collaboration Tool’ integrated in Prezi makes the software ideal for teams who work on an idea together but are actually based in different offices. It doesn’t matter whether the team members are sitting in the room next door or they’re based […]

“The presentation is the last thing”

I often hear this and other such phrases when I ask people in my training sessions & workshops: “When do you prepare your presentation?” or “When do you start preparing the presentation?” By that I don’t mean that the presentation is ‘the last’ in the sense of ‘pointless’, but rather that a presentation is very […]

Bullets kill – so do bullet points

6pm, Wednesday in the office! The day is almost over and you still haven’t started the presentation for first thing tomorrow. But now you’ve really got to step on it. So it’s open Powerpoint and off we go! ‘Insert title here’ and ‘insert text here’ shines radiantly on the screen. Well, if it’s there already, […]

Prezi meets Pecha Kucha – E-Day 2013 request show

E-Day 2013 request show powered by Pecha Kucha E-Day 2013 (www.eday.at), the largest event in e-business in Austria, was held in Vienna on March 7, 2013. More than 3000 visitors were able to explore five halls, providing an overview of the innovations and future prospects in this field. The ‘request show’ was a new feature […]