Prezi text formatting – now also bold & italics

Until now text formatting has been very limited in Prezi. Namely to the choice of 3 fonts with 3 corresponding colors, which are specified in the Prezi theme.

When editing text, it was only possible to change the colors of the font but not their format. That’s all changed now!

Bold & italics – more options for formatting text in Prezi

For a few days now, it has been possible to format the 3 preselected fonts in normal, bold or italic type. This greatly increases the options for text formatting in Prezi.

This is implemented directly in the editing mode of a text – see image:

Prezi text formatting - bold and italics


Be careful of overusing the Prezi text formatting options, as a presentation should be consistent and not distract people with too many colors, fonts or text formats.

mcprezi TIP!

That’s why you should choose colors, fonts and text formats carefully and determine right at the beginning which format will be used for which part of the presentation.

Despite the range of options, it is best to stick to a 3 font/formatting combination. Only this way can you pull off a consistent, refreshing design using the full Prezi software. Your audience will thank you for it!