As of today you can now use the Prezi app on your iPhone or android as a remote control for your Prezi presentation on a PC or Mac. We will show you in a nutshell how it works here:

Step 1 – Open Prezi app

Step 2 – In the Prezi of your choice, click on the 3 vertical dots




Step 3 – Select “Use as remote control”


Step 4 – Follow instructions for next steps


Step 5 – Open Prezi on your PC or Mac by selecting “Edit”

Step 6 – Click “Join” & get started!


It’s as easy as that to use your Prezi app as a remote control!

Give it a try!

Its 3 o’clock in the afternoon. We are just working on a customer presentation when an email suddenly lands in our mailbox.

“Congratulations – You’re in the Prezi top 100 of 2014!”

is written right there in the subject line – we are astonished but thrilled! Clarification follows in the email, where it states:


THANK YOU to Prezi & THANK YOU to all our customers

We would like to say THANK YOU to Prezi and also make a promise that we will be a heavy user again in 2015. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers though, who are the main reason for this success!

Until now text formatting has been very limited in Prezi. Namely to the choice of 3 fonts with 3 corresponding colors, which are specified in the Prezi theme.

When editing text, it was only possible to change the colors of the font but not their format. That’s all changed now! Read more

Yes, the time has finally come! After an application and certification process lasting several months, we have finally done it. As of today, we are now able to carry the official title of

Prezi Independent Expert

and the corresponding logo (see above).

We therefore now belong to an elite group of around 35 Prezi experts worldwide! We are the only experts in Austria and one of three in the German-speaking regions!

Here is an overview of the current list of official Prezi experts.

Prezi experts - Independent Prezi Expert

Prezi expert – mcprezi profile

Our Prezi expert profile is available here

Looking for a Prezi expert for your presentation?

Then do what our satisfied customers did! Contact us now and arrange a no-obligation consultation today. We will gladly put our expertise and experiences to use for your presentation!

Prezi is NOT just presentation software but more a tool for generating ideas. The ‘Collaboration Tool’ integrated in Prezi makes the software ideal for teams who work on an idea together but are actually based in different offices.

It doesn’t matter whether the team members are sitting in the room next door or they’re based on the other side of the world – Prezi makes for perfect teamwork! Read more