Tag Archive for: Presentation

Was bedeutet der Begriff Rhetorik?

Public speaking is the art of effective and convincing communication. It is much more than just giving speeches – it is an essential part of our everyday lives, whether in conversations, presentations or negotiations. But what exactly is public speaking? What techniques and tools are there for speaking more convincingly?

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about public speaking. I will also show you how you can improve your public speaking skills with targeted public speaking coaching. My book The 24-Hour Speaker! also provides you with valuable guidance on how to apply public speaking in practice. Read more

werde_digital-logoThe “WerdeDigital.at” initiative is an Austrian initiative aimed at closing the digital divide. Currently the initiative is working on a publication called “Das neue Arbeiten” [the new work] under the management of Meral Akin-Hecke and David Röthler.

In addition to around 70 other authors, we have also contributed an article called ‘Prezi, Slideshare & Co.’

On September 15, 2014 the initiators and everyone concerned got together to see how things were going. One thing was revealed and that was that it’s already looking really good. The finished publication is expected to be available for free download in about two months – and as soon as it’s finished, it will obviously be available from us here too.

Writing too and need some help?

Are you writing a publication too and looking for content on presentation, Prezi and public speaking? Then get in touch with us; we are happy to be involved in your publication.

Yes, the time has finally come! After an application and certification process lasting several months, we have finally done it. As of today, we are now able to carry the official title of

Prezi Independent Expert

and the corresponding logo (see above).

We therefore now belong to an elite group of around 35 Prezi experts worldwide! We are the only experts in Austria and one of three in the German-speaking regions!

Here is an overview of the current list of official Prezi experts.

Prezi experts - Independent Prezi Expert

Prezi expert – mcprezi profile

Our Prezi expert profile is available here https://prezi.com/experts/mcprezi/.

Looking for a Prezi expert for your presentation?

Then do what our satisfied customers did! Contact us now and arrange a no-obligation consultation today. We will gladly put our expertise and experiences to use for your presentation!

I often hear this and other such phrases when I ask people in my training sessions & workshops: “When do you prepare your presentation?” or “When do you start preparing the presentation?”

By that I don’t mean that the presentation is ‘the last’ in the sense of ‘pointless’, but rather that a presentation is very often only prepared at the end of a process or project. Read more

6pm, Wednesday in the office! The day is almost over and you still haven’t started the presentation for first thing tomorrow. But now you’ve really got to step on it. So it’s open Powerpoint and off we go!

‘Insert title here’ and ‘insert text here’ shines radiantly on the screen. Well, if it’s there already, then let’s do it! You enter the title and ‘copy & paste’ the text into the slides from the various sources. Two hours later and it’s done. True, it’s not the best, but it’s got everything it needs.

The slides look something like this:

Slides of text - lots of text, no statement, otherwise known as a slide bombardment.

Bullet points as far as the eye can see and no end of text. If the first slide looks like this, you can assume that all the other slides will look the same.

And that’s why people also like to call this type of presentation ‘slide bombardment’.  In English, we talk about ‘death by Powerpoint’.

Bullet points lead to ‘death by Powerpoint’ through the slide bombardment.

It all sounds very warlike – bombardment, death and so on. The ammunition for these bombardments aren’t real bullets though, but rather ‘bullet points’.

This killing isn’t actually people but the attention of the audience. But if you don’t pay attention, you won’t even notice anything.

In other words:

Attention gone => focus on other things => remember presentation = dead loss!

The aim of a presentation is obviously to not bore the audience. You want an attentive audience that is enthused with your presentation and that you can motivate to take action. If you literally ‘shoot’ them during the presentation, they will be unable to take action afterwards. So what do you do?

Kill the bullets before they kill you

The first step is to keep bullet points to an absolute minimum. The image below jokingly highlights how important this is.

Bullet points

  • Look at your slides
  • Count the bullet points
  • Are there more bullets in your presentation than in the entire Godfather trilogy?
  • Time to change your presentation!

And if you don’t want to ‘shoot’ your audience, then you need to aim to make do with as few bullet points as possible.

The best presentation has NO bullet points at all!

When creating your presentation, simply start thinking about the bullet points and your public, and you’ll soon find different ways to present your content!

If you can’t find any other ways, then we’ll help you with it – promise!

After all, our super powers are saving the world from dull presentations!

Check it out for yourself and get in touch with us today!

Image source: © dinostock – Fotolia.com